Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Week 28: August 19-25, 2013

Really, really exhausted this week, both mentally and physically.  School started, which meant long days and early wake-up calls.  I really tried to listen to my body...which resulted skipping some workouts in favor of getting more sleep.  I also did zero run speed work.  My legs just felt too dead for it.

Monday: off
Tuesday: 3000 yard swim; skipped the planned 1 hour run
Wednesday: 45 min trainer ride, followed by 3 mile transition run
Thursday: 3050 yard swim, preceded by a 60 min trainer ride w/ 10 min @z4 inserted at 45 min.
Friday: 4 mile run, followed by a 2200 yard swim.  I *almost* skipped the swim because I felt so exhausted on the run (actually cut the run a couple of miles short) but ended up feeling pretty decent on the swim.
Saturday: 3:30 trainer ride; thank goodness for my new Netflix show, 'Orange is the New Black'
Sunday: 12.5 mile trail run at Highbanks with my running buddy, Andy.  Haven't been able to run with him for 4 months due to injury, so it was nice to catch up.  This was the only run of the week that felt ok, but it's hard not to feel ok at Highbanks...such a beautiful morning!

I am really having a hard time mentally coming to terms with the fact that Ironman is less than 2 weeks away.  I know that once I get to Madison, get checked in and settled, and get some last-minute shake-out workouts in I'll be fine, but right now I can't even process that I am going to do this race.  One mile at a time, right?!

Weekly stats:
Swim: 8250 yards (5 miles)
Bike: 5:15 trainer hours (est. 89.25 miles)
Run: 19.5 miles
Strength: 0
Hours: 11:20 (was supposed to be 14)

Training cycle totals:
Swim: 182,250 yards (110.45 miles)
Bike: 82:03 trainer hours (est. 1394 miles) + 1375.32 road miles
Run: 722.11 miles
Hours: 353:32

Monday, August 19, 2013

Week 27: August 12-18, 2013

Peak week is done!  And I am still standing (for the most part).  The majority of the week felt no different from the past few weeks of training, but this weekend was pretty epic...11 hours of training in 2 days, including a final 100 mile bike ride and a 20 mile run.  I drank a bottle of Osmo per hour on the bike (2x24 oz + 4 20 oz) plus one 20 oz bottle of water, 4 Bonk Breaker bars, and 1 banana.  Temps started out in the mid-60s and ended in the low-80s.  Felt fine on the post-century transition run, but ended up with a headache later in the day.  Need to focus on 1 bottle of Osmo and 1/2-1 bottle of water per hour.  Came home Saturday and ate all of the things, which may or may not have included almost an entire bag of salt and vinegar potato chips.

Monday: off
Tuesday: 3400 yd swim:
400 warm up, 5x50s dr/sw
3x100s on 1:20, desc
50 ez
Ladder set: 50 fly/25 free/100 fly-back/25 free/150 fly-back-br/25 free/200 IM/25 free
50 ez. Stroke on :50/50 base, 25s on :30
200 free/25 fly/150 free/25 fly/100 free/25 fly/50 free/25 fly. Free on :40/40 base, 25s on :30
100 ez
5x100s on 1:45 w/ fins and paddles, working on long stroke--only taking 8 strokes per length
50 ez
8x25s kick down/sprint back on :30
100 ez
7 mile run (60 min); at 10 min, insert 5x6 min @z4 w/ 2 min recoveries
Wednesday: 60 min z2 trainer ride, followed by 33 min transition run (3.57 mi)
30 min of core, myrtl, and push ups later in the day
Thursday: 3200 yd swim:
200 warm up, 5x50s dr/sw
3x100s on 1:20, desc
50 ez
2x50s on :40/ 4x25s IM order on :30/ 2x100s on 1:20/ 4x25s IM on :30/ 2x200s on 2:40/ 4x25s IM on :30/ 2x100s on 1:20/ 4x25s IM on :30/ 2x50s on :40/ 4x25s IM on :30
150 ez
4x (50 kick choice on 1:00/ 2x25s same stroke sprint on :30)
50 ez
8x25s on :30--4 fly, 4 free: 4 breaths, 3 breaths, 2 breaths, 1 breath per 25
50 ez
1:30 trainer ride; at 50 min, insert 30 min @z4
Friday: 2700 yd swim: forgot to log this one and I can't remember exactly what we did, but I do remember our set-maker saying that we finished at 2700 yards.
1:30 run; at 1:05, insert 12 min @z4 (10.5mi)
Saturday: 100 mile ride from Milford Center, around the hills of Bellefontaine, and back (6:39); followed immediately by a 1 hour transition run.  Rode and ran with my friend, Ann, and kept her pace on the run.  I didn't wear a garmin, but I think we went about 5.5 miles.
Sunday: 20 mile group run with Beth, Mel, Joan, and Jenni (they ran 14), then solo for a few miles, then ran into 2 other friends and finished up with them.  Run felt better than expected.

Weekly totals:
Swim: 9300 yards (5.63mi)
Bike: 2.5 trainer hours (est. 42.5 miles) + 100 road miles
Run: 46.07 miles
Strength: 30 min
Hours: 19:13

Training cycle totals:
Swim: 174,000 yards (105.45 miles)
Bike: 76:43 trainer hours (est. 1300 miles) + 1375.32 road miles
Run: 702.61 miles
Hours: 342:12

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Week 26: August 5-11, 2013

Fully recovered by Tuesday from last Saturday's dehydration debacle.  Worked hard on this week's long ride to be sure that didn't happen again.  Expected to feel bad on Sunday's long run, but actually felt pretty good.  Unofficially started back to school this week, so missed a swim.  Thankful that next week is peak week and then it's taper time!

Monday: off
Tuesday: 3250 yd swim:
500 warm up, 5x50s dr/sw
3x100s on 1:20, desc
4x300s free, alt no paddles/paddles, first 2 on 4:30, second 2 on 4:15
50 ez
Same set as above, only 4x200s on 3:00 then 2:50
100 ez
7 mi run (:59); at 10 min, insert 5x6 min @z4 w/ 2 min recoveries.
Wednesday: 60 min z2 trainer ride, followed by 3.57mi transition run (:32)
30 min of strength and core later in the day
Thursday: 3150 yd swim:
500 swim, 5x50s dr/sw
3x100s on 1:20, desc
50 ez
5x (100 on 1:30/2x50s kick on :50) all w/ fins; 100s were start w/ free, add a length of fly on each one, finishing w/ 100 fly
100 ez
4x (75 continuous IM on 1:20/50 free on :40 w/ only 2 breaths per lap (I did 3 breaths)
100 ez
6x50s, kicking underwater off of each wall to halfway point.
50 ez
1:30 trainer ride; at 55 min, insert 25 min @z4.
Friday: 10 mile Z2 run (1:30); skipped swim today since I had to go into work
Saturday: 5 hour trainer ride (yes, FIVE consecutive hours on the trainer) followed by a 5.25 mi transition run (:44).  During the ride, I drank 20 oz Osmo per hour plus one 24 oz. bottle of water spaced out over the 5 hours; also ate 2 Bonk Breaker bars.
Sunday: 19.21 mi run (2:53) with running group friend, Ken.

Weekly totals:
Swim: 6400 yards (3.87 mi)
Bike: 7.5 trainer hours (est. 127.5 miles)
Run: 39.78 miles
Strength: 30 min
Hours: 16:44

Training cycle totals:
Swim: 164,700 yards (99.81 miles)
Bike: 74:13 trainer hours (est. 1258 miles) + 1275.32 road miles
Run: 656.54 miles
Hours: 322:59

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Week 25: July 29-August 1, 2013

This week served as both a big confidence builder and a hard lesson in the importance of proper hydration.  I had decided a while ago that, since I wasn't racing a half ironman this summer, I would either do a half ironman training day or a metric ironman training day.  I decided to go for the metric ironman (2000 yd swim, 70 mile bike, 16 mile run), since it would be the longest back-to-back-to-back distances I've ever done and I knew it would be a confidence builder if it went well (and would show me where I needed to put in more work if it didn't).  When my friend, David, told me he had decided to stay in town and train instead of going to ride the IMLou course and said he was up for anything, the deal was sealed.

We met a few other triathlete friends at 7am on Saturday for the open water swim at Alum Creek.  It was cold and drizzling, but we wriggled into our wetsuits and jumped in.  We ended up swimming longer than planned in hopes that the rain would move out, but it looked like it was there to stay for a while.  I ended up doing just over 3500 yards before we finally moved on to the bike.  We actually drove about 25 min east so we could hit the hills of Sportsman Club Rd, which has become my staple hill route this training cycle.  It rained the first 25 miles and was cold and miserable, but then the rain cleared and it was a pleasant, overcast, mid-70s day.  I felt strong and comfortable on the bike, but made the huge mistake of not drinking enough.  I don't know what I was thinking, but I only put 3 bottles on my bike and we ended up riding 78 miles in just over 4:45.  As I would find out later on the run, 3 bottles in almost 5 hours is not nearly enough.  Duh!

After finishing the ride, we loaded the bikes and drove a few miles over to the head of a shaded, paved bike path for the run.  Two of my running group friends were kind enough to join us...one ran with us and the other carried water on her bike so we could refill.  I felt fantastic for the first 8 miles.  Then I began to experience GI cramping and had to run into the woods half a dozen times.   It was annoying, but I thought "no big deal, they'll have portajohns on the race course so I can deal with this".  My legs and lungs were still feeling fine, so I kept on going.  I was drinking from my handheld water bottle, but by about mile 14 I was apparently so dehydrated that my stomach shut down and stopped absorbing fluids.  Even though my legs felt fine and wanted to run, my stomach got extremely sloshy and queasy and I had to stop and walk.  At mile 15.75, literally as I could see our cars in the parking lot come into view, I threw up on the side of the trail.  That was a first for me.  I immediately felt better, and jogged back to the car to try to start rehydrating.  A chocolate milk, two 20-liters of ice cold water, and a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips later, I was feeling back to normal.  It was my birthday on Saturday, so everyone joked that it's perfectly normal to puke on your birthday :).

So, a lesson in proper hydration was learned the hard way, thankfully on a training day instead of on race day.  The plan for race day is 1.5-2 bottles (one Osmo, one water) per hour on the bike, plus eating a bar every hour or so.  For the run, I plan on carrying my handheld and refilling with Perform and taking water and ice and each aid station.  I'm also going to carry my Powerbar gels on the run and take them as long as I can tolerate them, and then turn to whatever looks good at the aid stations.  Based on how my body felt otherwise on Saturday, I'm feeling confident that I have the fitness to go the distance...and as long as I concentrate on keeping up my hydration on the bike then I should be good to go.

Also of note this week was the annual Irish Festival 5k, which all 3 of the kiddos ran.  It was Nate's first 5k last year, and he was determined to beat his finish time.  Last year my friend, Peter, paced him but this year he was on his own.  He ran a smart race, finished hard, and ended up with a 23:07...a 5 second PR.  Not bad for a just-turned 11 year old!  Claudia was running the race as the finale to her kids' summer running club, and Lydia and I joined her.  Both girls ran really well and, despite some complaining on Claudia's part during the middle mile, they PR'd by over 2 minutes (35:12 for Lyd and 35:16 for Claudia)!

The kids goofing off before the race

Monday: off
Tuesday: 3000 yd OWS at Alum Creek w/ Beth
5 mile run (:41)
Wednesday: 27 miles of CR-10 and CR-5 bike hill repeats with Ann and Beth (1:50)
Thursday: 3100 yd swim:
200 warm up, 5x50s dr/sw
3x100s on 1:20, desc
50 ez
6x (3x150s free on 2:15--1st mod. effort, 2nd--working on good form, 3rd--hard effort/50 ez).
12x50s on 1:00--2 kick/1 swim (3 of each stroke)
50 ez
8x25s on :30 fly down/free back
450 ez
Run #1: 7.62 mi run in 1:06; Run #2: Irish Fest 5k with the girls, 3.1 mi in 35:16 (over a 2 minute PR for both girls--so proud of them!!)
Friday: 1:30 z2 trainer ride; 30 min of strength and core
Saturday: 3500 yd OWS (1:00); 78 mile hill ride (4:46); 16 mile run (2:45<---included 6 bathroom stops and a puke stop; avg run pace was right around 9:15/mi)
Sunday: off!!

Weekly stats:
Swim: 9600 yards (5.81 mi)
Bike: 1:30 trainer hours + 105 road miles
Run: 31.63 mi
Strength: 30 min
Hours: 16:00

Training cycle totals:
Swim: 158,300 yds (95.93 mi)
Bike: 66:43 trainer hours (approx 1122 mi) + 1275.32 road miles
Run: 616.76 mi
Hours: 306:15