Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Week 22: July 8-14, 2013

I changed the plan up a bit this week, as it was supposed to be a 70.3 race "taper" week and I had no plans to race.  I had actually hoped to put together my own half ironman training day over the weekend, but we had too many family things going on for that to be possible.  Because I had no real plan this week, when my friend, Beth, who is training for her first 70.3 asked me to do some workouts with her I jumped at the chance.  We were able to get her weekly long run in together on Tuesday and then rode together on Thursday.  Mark and I also had his mom to come down and babysit the kids on Saturday while we went for a long ride.  My goal was to get in 80-90 hilly miles, but we got a late start and had to get back home so it was cut down to 62 miles + a transition run.  We got in over 3800 feet of climbing and, although I am as slow as molasses on hills, I'm really starting to enjoy them.  I was also thrilled that he was able to ride with me...his first real outdoor ride post-accident.

Later that day, our girls were registered for the Columbus Running Company's Anniversary Bash Mile Dash race so we hurried home and I was able to run the race with them.  They both did really well...Lydia came in at 9:55 and Claudia and I were just behind her.  The best part for them was the cake at the finish line, celebrating the running store's birthday.  I was happy that I did not end up with a dehydration headache after that day's ride and run(s).  I took in 3x24 oz bottles of Osmo on the bike + 1 Clif bar and 1 Bonk Breaker bar and 24 oz. of water and coconut water after immediately after the ride/run.  Osmo may end up being my drink of choice on the bike for race day.

Claudia and I heading towards the finish line of her Mile Dash race.
She finished in right around 10:00...not bad for a little pipsqueak!

Monday: off
Tuesday: 10 mi run w/ Beth (1:53); 40 min of strength and core
Wednesday: 3500 yd swim:
500 sw, 5x50s dr/sw
3x100s on 1:20
50 ez
2x500s mod effort, second one pull (7:00, 7:15)
500 kick, alt fly/free
5x (100 IM on 1:40/2x50s dr on :50)
1:05 Trainer ride, at 15 min insert 3x7min z4 w/ 3 min recoveries
Thursday: 30 mi ride to south of Plain City and back w/ Beth (2:00)
Friday: 2600 yd swim:
500 warm up, 4x50s dr/sw
3x100s on 1:20, desc
50 ez
5x200s free, steady effort, on 2:50
50 ez
5x100s kick alt dolphin/flutter
6.55 mi Highbanks group trail run (1:05)
30 min of strength and core
Saturday: 62 mi ride w/ Mark: Johnstown to Utica and back 3812 ft. of climbing (Sportsmans Club Rd, Reynolds Rd, and Blacksnake Rd.), followed by a 4 mi transition run in :36.  A couple of hours later, I ran another mile for the CRC Mile Dash with Claudia and Lydia.
Sunday: 14 mi group run from Dublin Starbucks to zoo and back (2:09) <---this was such a slog.  Legs were trashed.  My friend, Ben, and I briefly considered calling a cab from the zoo to drop us back off at Starbucks ;).

Weekly stats:
Swim: 6100 yards
Bike: 1:05 trainer hours + 92 road miles
Run: 35.55 miles
Strength: 1:10
Hours: 16:01

Training cycle totals:
Swim: 135,100 yards (81.87 miles)
Bike: 62:58 trainer hours (est 1071 miles) + 918.75 road miles
Run: 511.03 miles
Hours: 254:20

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