Monday, June 3, 2013

Week 16: May 27-June 2, 2013 and Dexter-Ann Arbor Half Marathon race report

I took a huge step-back in training this week, partially due to the half marathon scheduled for Sunday and partially because life got in the way. I ended up not working out at all on Friday and Saturday, but in the end it was probably for the best.

I had such an indifferent attitude going into Sunday's race. Usually I am an excited bundle of nerves leading into a race, but this time I couldn't get into it. Maybe because this is this year's "C" race and I've been so exhausted by IM training that I had no expectations.  I also have had no feel for my running fitness or if I could hold a decent pace for 13 miles.  After skipping two days of workouts, eating like total crap all week, and sleeping terribly the few days prior to race day, I decided to start the race strong but scrap it for a training run if things started to not feel right. No sense in hurting myself with so much at stake come September.  With a PR (from 3 years ago--the last half marathon I've run) of 1:43.07, I decided to start just behind the 1:40 pace group (7:38/mi pace). We started out holding 7:30s the first few miles, but my body and breathing quickly settled in. The weather was perfect...mid-to-high 60s with a slight breeze.  The miles quickly ticked off and I was still feeling fairly comfortable despite the relentless rolling hills.  I stayed just a few strides behind the pace group.  I had a run-in with The Wall around mile 9.5-10.5 but then my energy gel kicked in and it passed.  The last 5k got pretty painful, my pace slowed a little, and the pacer got further away, but I was able to keep the miles under 7:45-7:50. When I rounded the corner for the final uphill mile into Ann Arbor, I knew I'd make it.  I couldn't muster a look at my garmin to see if I was going to be sub-1:40, but at that point it wouldn't have mattered...I was going as fast as I could.  My ultimate half marathon goal is to go sub-1:40 (and really more like sub-1:38 on a flat course), but I was extremely pleased with my 1:40.46 finish time (5th in AG)...mostly because I never thought it would happen mid-IM training, with minimal speed work, and with my blasé attitude leading up to it.  I was especially happy that I felt strong and in control the whole race, and fought the mental battle when things got hard during the last 5k.  I kept picturing fighting through the final miles of the Ironman marathon.  I also kept my friend, Melanie,  and my dad in mind, who are both injured.  I felt very fortunate to be able to race.

Me and Nate at the start

Almost to the finish line!

My quads are pretty sore today, so this next week will focus on easing back into training and no
speed work.  Oh, and summer vacation is offically here so I can say goodbye to the 3:55 am wake-up calls until mid-August :).

Monday: off
Tuesday:  3000 yard swim in the a.m.
Attempted an hour long run in the 88 degree temps in the evening--a last ditch effort to get some heat acclimatization in.  Got in 5.35 miles with 3x3 min z4 efforts in before crashing and burning.  Had to walk the remaining 1.5 miles home.
Wednesday: 45 min ez trainer ride; still feeling effects from last night's run.
Thursday: 45 min ez trainer ride followed by a 2.71 mi transition run.
Friday: unplanned day off
Saturday: unplanned day off
Sunday: Dexter-Ann Arbor half, 13.1mi (13.22 by Garmin) in 1:40.46

Weekly training stats:
Swim: 3000 yds
Bike: 1.5 trainer hours
Run: 21.16 mi
Strength: 0 hours
Hours: 5:20

Training cycle totals:
Swim: 89,700 yards (54.36 mi)
Bike: 56:50 trainer hours + 300 road miles
Run: 341.48 mi
Hours: 165:55

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